We Love Volunteers!

Whether you can serve for a week, a day, or an hour every now and then, we have a place for you. Volunteers are needed for a lot of different types of work, requiring different skills, experiences, and time commitment.

It takes everyone working together to build community. Easter Projects volunteers have varied skills, interests, and passions that contribute to our mission of building strength, stability, and self-reliance through shelter.

Join us by swinging a hammer walking alongside new Easter Project Homebuyers, and a host of other ways. Whether you are a student, retired, working a full-time job, or raising a family, we have opportunities for you to help in our mission.

  • Framing
  • Plumbing
  • Masonry
  • Roofing
  • Electrical
  • Legal & Finance, Work
  • Carpentry
  • Social Media
  • Helping
  • Event Planning and Hosting
  • Photography
  • Host Team Dinners
  • Resource Development
  • Fund Raising

For more information on how you can get involved, contact Jay Clark at (252) 809-3553 or [email protected].

Whether you can serve for a week, a day, or an hour every now and then, we have a place for you. Volunteers are needed for a lot of different types of work, requiring different skills, experiences, and time commitment.

It takes everyone working together to build community. Easter Projects volunteers have varied skills, interests, and passions that contribute to our mission of building strength, stability, and self-reliance through shelter.

Join us by swinging a hammer walking alongside new Easter Project Homebuyers, and a host of other ways. Whether you are a student, retired, working a full-time job, or raising a family, we have opportunities for you to help in our mission.

  • Framing
  • Masonry
  • Electrical
  • Carpentry
  • Helping
  • Photography
  • Resource Development
  • Plumbing
  • Roofing
  • Legal & Finance, Work
  • Social Media
  • Event Planning and Hosting
  • Host Team Dinners
  • Fund Raising

For more information on how you can get involved, contact Jay Clark at (252) 809-3553 or [email protected].

Team Registration Forms

Volunteer Registration/Information Form

MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Medical Information and Release
Coverage: I certify that I have sufficient health, accident, and liability insurance or other benefits to cover any bodily injury or property damage I may incur while participating in an Easter Project ministry project and to cover bodily injury or property damage caused to a third party because of my participation in an Easter Project ministry, as follows:
Medical Release: I hereby state that I am in good health and have all medications necessary to treat any allergic or chronic conditions, and I am able to administer such medications without assistance.
I ___ (volunteer’s name), authorize ___ (team leader) to consent if, at any time during my participation in an Easter Project ministry, I need emergency medical care and am not able to give consent because of my physical or mental condition.

I consent to any necessary examination, anesthetic, medical diagnosis, surgery, or treatment and/or hospital care rendered under the general supervision and on the advice of any physician or surgeon licensed to practice medicine by the state in which they practice during the duration of the trip identified above and further authorize the release of medical information from my personal medical records for the purpose of my medical care.
Person to be notified in case of emergency:
Photo Use: I give permission for pictures/digital images of me to be taken during the mission.
Christian Conduct: I understand team members must be flexible, cooperative, and cheerful. I agree to always cooperate with the team leader, team members, and the host agency concerning daily assignments, food, lodging, and transportation. I agree to stay with the team from beginning to end, conduct myself in an appropriate Christian manner, and share my faith to the best of my ability.

Liability Release Form: I understand that I am about to embark on travel into circumstances with unknown personal safety and/or sanitary conditions. I understand there is an inherent risk in the activity I am undertaking. Because I understand the inherent risk in this undertaking, I agree to release and hold harmless The Easter Project, Ltd. and its Executive Director, member churches and affiliates, noted as mission site leaders, the host agency, and any related agency, general church agency, conference, district, local church, member, employee or agent from any liability for personal injury, damages, loss, accidents, and/or delays resulting from my participation an Easter Project ministry. This release is given in consideration of The Easter Project’s efforts in planning for my participation. This release is intended to bind me, my heirs, and my personal representatives.

Parental/Guardian Permission
(If the participant is under 18 years of age, a parent/guardian must also sign this form.)

By signing below, I confirm that I agree to comply with all the above.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Also, I, ___ parent/guardian of ___do hereby give permission for him/her to:
Use Power Tools:
Forbidden to use power tools or be on a roof:
Be on roof:
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.